#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Program: spine.pl # Description: Subtituto del cmd.php incluido en el CACTI # quien es el que se encarga de colectar los # datos via SNMP para actualizar las graficas RRD. # Version: 0.2 (17/Aug/2002) # Autor: Roberto Carlos Navas # Perl Modules to be used. use DBI; use Net::SNMP; use RRDs; use Sys::Syslog; # Configuration parameters %config = ( 'debug' => 1, # Need debugging info? 0=No 1=Yes 'syslog_facility' => 'local4', # Syslog facility to send logging 'MYSQL_HOST' => 'localhost', # MySQL server where CACTI Database is 'MYSQL_DB' => 'cacti', # MySQL cacti database 'MYSQL_USER' => 'root', # MySQL username 'MYSQL_PASS' => 'mysqldba', # MySQL password 'snmp_timeout' => 5, # How many seconds to wait for a SNMP response 'snmp_retries' => 2, # How many times to retry SNMP get 'snmp_version' => 1, # SNMP protocol version to use ); # SNMP Numeric OIDs for getting Interface Octects Counters %oidOctets = ( 'in' => ".", 'out' => ".", 'hcin' => ".", 'hcout' => "." ); # You should not touch the code below this line... # MAIN program starts here... printlog('debug', "STARTING spine.pl " . localtime()); $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:mysql:host=' . $config{'MYSQL_HOST'} . ';database=' . $config{'MYSQL_DB'}, $config{'MYSQL_USER'}, $config{'MYSQL_PASS'} ) or do { printlog('err', "ERROR: Could not connect to MySQL server! (" . $DBI::errstr . ")"); exit 1; }; get_cacti_config(); $sql = "SELECT d.id, d.name, d.srcid, s.formatstrin, s.formatstrout, s.id as sid, s.type FROM rrd_ds d LEFT JOIN src s ON d.srcid=s.id WHERE d.active = 'on' AND d.subdsid= 0"; $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth1->execute() or do { printlog('err', "ERROR: Could not execute SQL! Error: " . $dbh->errstr); exit 1; }; while ($sql_id = $sth1->fetchrow_hashref()) { printlog('debug', "Processing Data Source: " . $sql_id->{name}); $sql = "SELECT d.fieldid, d.dsid, d.value, f.srcid, f.dataname FROM src_data d LEFT JOIN src_fields f ON d.fieldid=f.id WHERE d.dsid =" . $sql_id->{id} . " and f.srcid =" . $sql_id->{srcid}; $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth2->execute() or do { printlog('err', "ERROR: Could Not execute SQL! Error: " . $dbh->errstr); exit 1; }; while ($sql_id_field = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref()) { printlog('debug', " DS Field: " . $sql_id_field->{dataname} . " Value: " . $sql_id_field->{value}); $sql_id_field_value{$sql_id_field->{dataname}} = $sql_id_field->{value}; } if ($sql_id->{type} eq '') { # We have to fork a external program... # Not implemented Yet... printlog('debug', "Datasource " . $sql_id->{name} . "Needs to fork a program... not implemented yet!"); next; } # It's an internal SNMP function... # It shouldn't be a multi data source, so only one output parameter is # expected... if ($sql_id->{formatstrout} =~ /<(\S+)>/i) { $out_field = $1; } else { printlog('err', "ERROR: formatstrout = " . $sql_id->{formatstrout} . " is not valid!"); next; } ($snmp, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $sql_id_field_value{"ip"}, -community => $sql_id_field_value{"community"}, -port => 161, -version => $config{"snmp_version"}, -retries => $config{"snmp_retries"}, -timeout => $config{"snmp_timeout"}, -nonblocking => 0x1 ); if (!defined($snmp)) { printlog('err', "ERROR: SNMP connect error: " . $error); next; } if ( $sql_id->{type} eq "snmp_net" ) { $oid = $oidOctets{$sql_id_field_value{"inout"}} . "." . $sql_id_field_value{"ifnum"}; } elsif ( $sql_id->{type} eq "snmp" ) { $oid = $sql_id_field_value{"oid"}; } else { printlog('err', "ERROR: Datasource " . $sql_id->{name} . "has an invalid type: " . $sql_id->{type}); next; } printlog('debug', " OID to get = $oid"); $result = $snmp->get_request( -varbindlist => [ $oid ], -callback => [ \&get_snmp_data, $oid, $sql_id, $out_field ] ); if (!$result) { printlog('err', "ERROR: During SNMP get_request Setup (" . $snmp->error() . ")"); $snmp->close(); } } printlog('debug', "SENDING ALL SNMP requests..."); Net::SNMP->snmp_dispatcher(); printlog('debug', "END spine.pl " . localtime()); exit 0; # # FUNCTIONS.... # # get_cacti_config: Gather configuration parameters from cacti MySQL DB sub get_cacti_config { my($sth, $parameter); $sql = "SELECT Name, Value FROM settings"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute() or do { printlog('err', "ERROR: Could not execute SQL! Error: " . $dbh->errstr ); exit 1; }; while ( $parameter = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) { $config{ $parameter->{Name} } = $parameter->{Value}; printlog('debug', "get_cacti_config(): " . $parameter->{Name} . "=" . $parameter->{Value}); } $sth->finish(); $config{"path_cacti"} = $config{"path_webroot"} . $config{"path_webcacti"}; $config{"path_images"} = $config{"path_cacti"} . "/graphs"; $config{"path_rra"} = $config{"path_cacti"} . "/rra"; $config{"path_log"} = $config{"path_cacti"} . "/log/rrd.log"; if (! -d $config{"path_cacti"} ) { printlog('err', "ERROR: cacti path " . $config{"path_cacti"} . " is not a directory or does not exists!"); exit 1; } return; } # printlog: To send a message to the log (syslog) sub printlog { my($level, $msg, $facility); $level = shift @_; $msg = shift @_; $facility = ( ( !defined($config{'syslog_facility'}) ) ? 'local5' : $config{'syslog_facility'} ); if ( $level =~ /debug/i && !$config{'debug'} ) { return; } if ( ! openlog($0, 'cons,pid', $facility) ) { print STDERR "No se pudo abrir SYSLOG: $0\t$facility\.$level\t$msg\n"; return; } syslog($level, '%s', $msg); closelog(); if ($config{'debug'}) { open LOG, ">>/tmp/$0.log" or return; print LOG localtime() . " [$0 -> $facility\.$level] $msg\n"; close(LOG); } return; } # get_snmp_data: Handles the SNMP response when the DS is type SNMP Network sub get_snmp_data { my ($session, $oid, $sql_id, $out_field) = @_; my $host = $session->hostname; my $out_data = ''; if (!defined($session->var_bind_list)) { my $error = $session->error; printlog('err', "ERROR: get_snmp_data($host) Error: " . $error); } else { my $result = $session->var_bind_list->{$oid}; printlog('debug', "get_snmp_data($host) $oid = $result"); $out_data = "$result"; } update_src_data($sql_id, $out_field, $out_data); rrdtool_function_create($sql_id->{id}, 0); if ($sql_id->{srcid} != 0) { rrdtool_function_update($sql_id->{id}, 0, 0); } return; } # update_src_data: Store received SNMP data on CACTI's MySQL tables... sub update_src_data { my ($sql_id, $out_field, $out_data) = @_; if ($sql_id->{srcid} == 0) { printlog('err', "ERROR: Data Source: " . $sql_id->{name} . " does not have a data input source assigned to it. No data will be gathered; if cacti does not gather data for this data source please deactivate it."); return; } $sql = "SELECT id " . "FROM src_fields " . "WHERE dataname = '$out_field' " . " and srcid = " . $sql_id->{srcid} . " and inputoutput='out'"; my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth1->execute() or do { printlog('err', "ERROR: Could not execute SQL! Error: " . $dbh->errstr ); exit 1; }; my $sql_id_fields = $sth1->fetchrow_hashref(); my $current_data_source_id = $sql_id->{id}; $sql = "SELECT id " . "FROM src_data " . "WHERE fieldid = " . $sql_id_fields->{id} . " and dsid = $current_data_source_id"; my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth2->execute() or do { printlog('err', "ERROR: Could not execute SQL! Error: " . $dbh->errstr); exit 1; }; my $new_data_id = 0; if ($sth2->rows > 0) { my $sql_id_data = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref(); $new_data_id = $sql_id_data->{id}; } $sql = "REPLACE INTO src_data " . "(id, fieldid, dsid, value) " . "values (" . "$new_data_id, " . $sql_id_fields->{id} . ", " . "$current_data_source_id, " . "'$out_data')"; printlog('debug', "update_src_data(" . $sql_id->{name} . ") Replace SQL = $sql"); my $affected_rows = 0; $affected_rows = $dbh->do($sql); if (! $affected_rows ) { printlog('err', "WARN: MySQL REPLACE didn't affect any rows...??"); } return; } # # CACTI's ported functions... # sub CheckDataSourceName { my $data_source_name = shift; $data_source_name =~ s/\s/_/g; $data_source_name =~ s/[\/\*\\\&\%\"\',\.]+//g; $data_source_name = substr($data_source_name,0,19); return lc($data_source_name); } sub GetDataSourceName { my $dsid = shift; if ($dsid == 0) { return ""; } $sql = "select name, dsname from rrd_ds where id=$dsid"; my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth1->execute() or do { printlog('err', "ERROR: Could not execute SQL! Error: " . $dbh->errstr); exit 1; }; if ($sth1->rows <= 0) { printlog('err', "ERROR: DataSource Name NOT found!"); return ""; } my $sql_id = $sth1->fetchrow_hashref(); if ($sql_id->{dsname} eq "") { return CheckDataSourceName($sql_id->{name}); } else { return $sql_id->{dsname}; } } sub GetDataSourcePath { my ($data_source_id, $expand_paths) = @_; my $data_source_path = ''; if ($data_source_id == 0) { return ""; } $sql = "select name, dspath from rrd_ds where id = $data_source_id"; my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth1->execute() or do { printlog('err', "ERROR: Could not execute SQL! Error: " . $dbh->errstr ); exit 1; }; if ($sth1->rows > 0) { my $sql_id = $sth1->fetchrow_hashref(); if ($sql_id->{dspath} eq "") { $data_source_path = "/" . CheckDataSourceName($sql_id->{name}) . ".rrd"; } else { if ($sql_id->{dspath} !~ /\//) { $data_source_path = "/" . $sql_id->{dspath}; } else { $data_source_path = $sql_id->{dspath}; } } if ($expand_paths) { $data_source_path =~ s//$config{"path_rra"}/g; } return $data_source_path; } } sub rrdtool_function_create { my ($dsid, $show_source) = @_; my $data_source_path = GetDataSourcePath($dsid, 1); my $create_ds = ''; my $create_rra = ''; my @args = (); if (!$show_source) { if ( -f $data_source_path ) { printlog('err', "WARN: rrd file $data_source_path already exists!"); return -1; } } $sql = "select d.step, r.xfilesfactor, r.steps, r.rows, c.name as cname, (r.rows*r.steps) as rs from rrd_ds d left join lnk_ds_rra l on l.dsid=d.id left join rrd_rra r on l.rraid=r.id left join lnk_rra_cf rc on rc.rraid=r.id left join def_cf c on rc.consolidationfunctionid=c.id where d.id=$dsid order by rc.consolidationfunctionid, rs"; my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth1->execute() or do { printlog('err', "ERROR: Could not execute SQL! Error: " . $dbh->errstr); exit 1; }; if ($sth1->rows <= 0) { printlog('err', "ERROR: There are no RRA's assigned to DSID $dsid!"); return -1; } my $sql_id = $sth1->fetchrow_hashref(); push @args, "--step"; push @args, $sql_id->{step}; $sql = "select d.id, d.heartbeat, d.minvalue, d.maxvalue,d.subdsid, t.name from rrd_ds d left join def_ds t on d.datasourcetypeid=t.id where d.id=$dsid or d.subdsid=$dsid order by d.id"; my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth2->execute() or do { printlog('err', "ERROR: Could not execute SQL! Error: " . $dbh->errstr); exit 1; }; my $sql_id_ds; my $rows = $sth2->rows; while ($sql_id_ds = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref()) { if ( ($rows > 1 and $sql_id_ds->{subdsid} != 0) or ($rows == 1)) { my $data_source_name = GetDataSourceName($sql_id_ds->{id}); push @args, "DS:$data_source_name:" . $sql_id_ds->{name} . ":" . $sql_id_ds->{heartbeat} . ":" . $sql_id_ds->{minvalue} . ":" . $sql_id_ds->{maxvalue}; } } do { push @args, "RRA:" . $sql_id->{cname} . ":" . $sql_id->{xfilesfactor} . ":" . $sql_id->{steps} . ":" . $sql_id->{rows}; } while ($sql_id = $sth1->fetchrow_hashref()); printlog('debug', "rrdtool create $data_source_path " . join(' ', @args)); if (!$show_source) { RRDs::create($data_source_path, @args); if ($RRDs::error) { printlog('err', "ERROR: rrdtool create $data_source_path failed! (" . $RRDs::error . ")"); } else { printlog('debug', "RRA file $data_source_path Created!"); } } return; } sub rrdtool_function_update { my ($dsid, $multi_data_source, $show_source) = @_; my $data_source_path= GetDataSourcePath($dsid, 1); my $update_string = "N"; my $template_string = ""; if ($multi_data_source eq "") { $sql = "select id from rrd_ds where subdsid=$dsid"; my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth1->execute() or do { printlog('err', "ERROR: Could not execute SQL! Error: " . $dbh->errstr); exit 1; }; if ($sth1->rows == 0) { $multi_data_source = 0; } else { $multi_data_source = 1; } } if ($multi_data_source == 1) { $sql = "select d.dsname, a.value from rrd_ds d left join src_fields f on d.subfieldid=f.id left join src_data a on d.id=a.dsid where d.subdsid=$dsid and f.inputoutput=\"out\" and f.updaterra=\"on\" order by d.id"; } else { $sql = "select d.dsname, a.value from rrd_ds d left join src_data a on d.id=a.dsid left join src_fields f on a.fieldid=f.id where d.id=$dsid and f.inputoutput=\"out\" and f.updaterra=\"on\" order by d.id"; } my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth2->execute() or do { printlog('err', "ERROR: Could not execute SQL! Error: " . $dbh->errstr); exit 1; }; my $rows = $sth2->rows(); my $data_value = "U"; my $i = 0; while (my $sql_id = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref()) { if ($sql_id->{value} =~ /[0-9\.]+/i) { $data_value = $sql_id->{value}; } $update_string .= ":$data_value"; $template_string .= $sql_id->{dsname}; $i++; if ($i < $rows) { $template_string .= ":"; } } my $command_line = "update $data_source_path --template $template_string $update_string"; printlog('debug', "rrdtool " . $command_line); if (!$show_source) { RRDs::update($data_source_path, "--template", $template_string, $update_string); if ($RRDs::error) { printlog('err', "ERROR: rrdtool update $data_source_path failed! (" . $RRDs::error . ")"); } else { printlog('debug', "RRA file $data_source_path Updated!"); } } return; }