#!/usr/bin/perl # bind-stats.pl - a script to return bind-related statistical information # Author: Matt Groener, gwynnebaer@hotmail.com # Use built-in option syntax use Getopt::Std; # use $opt_d to override default named.stats dir location getopt('d'); $STATFILE = $opt_d ? "$opt_d/named.stats" : '/var/named/named.stats'; $MEMFILE = $opt_d ? "$opt_d/named.memstats" : '/var/named/named.memstats'; $cmd_ndc = '/usr/sbin/ndc -q stats > /dev/null 2>&1'; # Generate stats now (this could be turned off and run via cron as well) unlink($STATFILE,$MEMFILE); qx($cmd_ndc); $status = $?; die "Failed command: $cmd_ndc: EXIT_CODE: $status" if $status; # Die unless we can locate the stats file if (!open(STATS,$STATFILE)) { die "Failed to open $STATFILE: $!\n"; } # Parse the stats file while (<STATS>) { next if /^[\-\+]/; chomp(); if (/Legend/) { $start_legend++; next; } if (/Global/) { $start_legend--; $start_global++; next; } if ($start_legend) { push(@legend,split()); } elsif ($start_global) { @global = split(); for (0..$#legend) { $hash{lc($legend[$_])} = $global[$_]; } last; } else { @data = split(); next if $data[1] =~ /^\d+$/; # break up the data and build hash of data /time since/i && do { $hash{lc($data[3])} = $data[0]; next; }; /^\d+\s+.*\s+quer/i && do { $hash{lc($data[1])} = $data[0]; next; }; } } close (STATS); # print out stats or usage if (@ARGV) { foreach $argv (@ARGV) { push(@output,$hash{lc($argv)}) if defined $hash{lc($argv)}; } print "@output"; } else { print "Usage: $0 [-d statsdir] args\n\n where args is one of:\n "; foreach $argv (sort keys %hash) { print $argv; $incr++; if ($incr == 13) { print "\n "; $incr = 0; } else { print " "; } } print "\n\n"; }